Monday, February 22, 2016

Why Retail Work Represents Everything Wrong with America

Customer Service aka Satan's Backside. 

Retail is the worst. There are tons of pages, forums and blogs dedicated to talking about how fucking awful it is to work retail, customer service or food service -- and those reasons pretty much represent everything wrong with America.

For one, the corporations make no sense. They send confusing messages, demand that their workers sell credit cards or do fishy things with their hours so they can remain profitable e.g only letting them work part-time so they don't have to pay for health insurance or benefits, bullying workers to work off the clock or out of their job description, firing them for not meeting arbitrary sales goals, rules or just generally because most of the states are "right-to-work" states.

So, you're underpaid, overworked, made to deal with shady nonsense, poor working conditions and major corporations that pretty much control your lives. You get no say in things, you just have to keep your head down and work unless you want to be a rebel OR have the gift of nepotism or favoritism at your side.

You know those coworkers. They're the ones that seemingly cannot get fired, their slack given to you, cannot be argued or blamed for anything because someone higher up is either related to them or likes them (or they're banging, take your pick).

Better yet, you get to deal with customers. Oh, the everlasting joy of customers. They scream at you, they threaten you, they let their little crotch spawn ruin things -- they can be the worst people on Earth and, better still, you can't fight back :) . Joy!

The scene is set: a major business full of white blood pricks is now looming over you, doing shady shit in the background, allowing the abuse of the rules that are supposed to protect you and diligently fighting any kind of union or effort to make things more fair for the workers. You can't live off of your wage, you can't get benefits and you're treated like shit.

Sound familiar?

It should. It's pretty much a mirror of what is happening with the American government these days. Poor wages, poor benefits, money being given to the rich, big corporations taking power away from the people. Yeah. Sounds about right.

The people that are meant to be protecting and helping you are constantly screwing you over. You can't fight back for fear of losing your job, and forget unemployment in most cases.

We are the lowly peons watching our bank accounts drain while the rich get richer.

God bless America.

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