Wednesday, March 16, 2016


This is word vomit from a sick person. A sick woman carrying a hereditary, fatal disease passed down from generation to generation. The bug roots itself when you're young enough to think for yourself. The symptoms are worthlessness -- they convince you that being a human is something you have to earn.

You're fat, your skin is bad, your mother had twelve good looking boyfriends and straight A's in school at your age. What right do you have to take up space?

The only treatment for this bug is the "why nots". Why not exist? Why not achieve what you please? I may not have Pietro, Oskar, Dominic, Vladimir and whoever else fawning for my attention, but I contribute something to society.

You see, I am a guardian. The sickness is dysfunction, and it is a scary illness to have, because there's a high risk of passing it on to your children.

I'm convinced that the sickness in my bloodline is going to die with me.

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